A phone call

People often struggle to understand the emotions of others, as each person's circumstances, upbringing, and personality shape their unique perception of life experiences. It is crucial for us not to compare or assume that we can fully comprehend what someone else is feeling. 

I frequently hear individuals say, "You don't know what I've been through. Your life is easy," or "You haven't faced the same challenges as me." However, it is not fair to compare our experiences. Additionally, each person has a different emotional and psychological capacity, which influences how they navigate and interpret events in their lives. Therefore, someone's struggle, such as losing their job, may hold the same weight as another person's struggle of having their car break down. Each individual experiences what they can handle, and it propels them towards personal growth. 

With that being said, it is important for us to try to empathize with others and not undermine their experiences or emotions. It is worth mentioning that we do not need validation from others to validate our own feelings. We have the right to feel whatever we feel, even if others judge us for it. Our experiences are meant to teach us valuable lessons and contribute to our personal growth. As we learn from these experiences, we continue to evolve, and new challenges will arise in areas where we need further growth. 

Let us be kind to ourselves and others, accepting our differences without passing judgment. 

Now, it's time to go to bed. Goodnight, everyone.


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