Be present 🎁
Resistance in the mind can have a profound impact on our physical well-being. As I discovered during my teacher trainings, when our minds are stressed or tense, it manifests in our bodies as stiffness, inflammation, and discomfort. It's a chain reaction that affects every part of us.
That's why, before I begin teaching or even training myself, I prioritize taking a few moments to focus on my breath. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, I put my mind in a state of rest and relaxation. This not only provides much-needed oxygen to my muscles, fascia, and ligaments, but it also helps to clear my mind of any lingering stress.
I can't stress enough how crucial it is to solely concentrate on your breath. It is the essence of life itself, and when we master it, we gain control over every aspect of our lives.
Personally, I dedicate about 5 minutes every morning to this practice, and it sets me up for a positive and productive day. I encourage you to give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself.
Through consistent daily practice, I have come to truly understand the power of deep, slow breathing. Inhaling fully and exhaling completely are the keys to unlocking a relaxed mind and freeing ourselves from the grip of pain.
So, as I bid you all goodnight, I encourage you to sleep tight and remember the importance of nurturing your mind and body through the simple act of conscious breathing.
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