Taming the Beast Within: Conquering Fear for a Fuller Life


Fear, a primal emotion that can be triggered by various reasons, often conceals deeper roots within our subconscious mind. It holds a multitude of events, memories, traumas, and experiences that shape our perception of danger.

Some argue that fear is what keeps us alive, as it serves as our instinctual guide, alerting us to potential threats and prompting our fight or flight response.

When fear grips us, it is crucial to take a moment and introspect. We must ask ourselves where it stems from and whether it is something we can truly comprehend. If the answer eludes us, we must delve deeper into our psyche to uncover the underlying causes. This is not limited to dangerous situations but also encompasses the inexplicable feeling that quickens our heartbeat and induces perspiration, even in the safety of our surroundings.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, fear is believed to reside within our kidneys. In my personal practice of qigong, I focus on the kidney meridian, as I have experienced significant scares in my life that left me with profound fear, affecting my kidneys for a period of time. However, by acknowledging and addressing this fear, I have been able to work through it and continue to do so.

Fear has the power to paralyze us and hinder us from fully embracing life. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge it's presence but also recognize that it is unnecessary when we are in a safe space. I remind myself of this every time fear arises within me.

Fear is deeply ingrained in our evolutionary history and serves as a vital survival mechanism. However, we must not allow it to dictate our lives. Today was a long day, but spending it with friends made it much better and provided a sense of safety.

Goodnight, everyone.


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