As I reflect on my journey, I realize that I used to be hesitant to express my emotions, whether they were positive or negative. There was always this invisible barrier that prevented me from opening up and sharing my true feelings, especially with my family. I would freely say "I love you" to a friend, but when it came to my family, it felt like admitting vulnerability or weakness. However, as I've grown older, I've learned to seize every opportunity to express my love and emotions to them. I want to make sure they truly understand just how much they mean to me.
Turning 40 was a turning point for me emotionally. I started feeling more at ease and comfortable in my own skin. I became confident in my decisions and stopped rushing through life. Instead, I began appreciating the small details even more than before. With age comes a sense of tranquility, where we no longer let the chaos of life disturb our inner peace. We adapt to changes more easily and gracefully.
When it comes to expressing emotions, I personally went through a rebellious phase. I believed that showing emotions was a sign of weakness, and I needed to be tough to navigate through life. I built walls around my feelings to protect myself from getting hurt. However, as I've grown older, I've come to realize the beauty in expressing emotions and desires. It takes strength to embrace vulnerability and understand it in the right way.
They say that each age has its own unique beauty, and I couldn't agree more. So, my advice to everyone is to not rush or force anything. The right moments and experiences will come naturally, in their own time and at the right age.
Wishing you all a peaceful and restful night.
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