And then my mind wandered off.


When the mind becomes weary or overwhelmed, it has a tendency to drift away into a parallel world as a means of escape.

Our minds operate within the realms of comfort or discomfort, and when we find ourselves inundated or mentally uneasy, our minds seek solace and familiarity in our surroundings.

Drifting off allows us to access a tranquil space where we can momentarily detach ourselves from the chaos and recharge or redirect our thoughts.

As I write this article, I find myself drifting off every 5 minutes, indicating my exhaustion and yearning for a moment of silence and emptiness. While this may sound negative or melancholic, my moments of spacing out are actually some of my favorite times. Each time I return, I feel refreshed, relaxed, and gain a new perspective on things.

Sometimes, I find myself spacing out and merging with the essence of a tree trunk. I experience a profound sense of stability, grounding, and a beautiful connection with the earth. It's a feeling of safety that may elude us in real life, but I discover it within these moments of spacing out. I don't visualize or meditate during these episodes, as they are spontaneous reactions. However, upon returning, I am left with a sense of security and the belief that I was connected to the tree or something else, though I'm not entirely sure. What truly matters is the result after spacing out.

So, I would advise against panicking if you find yourself spacing out. Embrace it and don't resist, for it is a mechanism that quiets the mind and soothes the warmth in our hearts.

Goodnight to all, and feel free to drift off as much as you desire.


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