Don't talk anymore
When we embrace silence, our minds are initially flooded with thoughts, ideas, and emotions. It's like a storm raging inside our heads. But as we delve deeper into the silence, our minds gradually surrender and clear out the clutter of thoughts. We start to observe the changes happening within us, witnessing how those thoughts simply fade away.
Silence allows us to introspect, to discern what truly matters to us and what doesn't. Adding conscious breathing to this silent experience enhances its impact. We begin to realize how much energy we waste on meaningless chatter and how harmful excessive talking can be, both to ourselves and others.
Engaging in silence sharpens our senses, making us more attuned to subtle experiences and sensations. It deepens our appreciation for the present moment. So, I encourage you to try spending a few hours each day in silence. Put away your phone, turn off the music and TV, set aside books and writing materials. Just be with yourself, focusing on your breath. Notice how this simple practice can make you feel more centered and at peace.
Goodnight, everyone.
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