
When we take the time to connect with nature, we free ourselves from the cycle of judgment, criticism, and gossip. Instead of dwelling on negative experiences, we begin to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. Nature has a way of shifting our focus from ourselves to the bigger picture, allowing us to love, observe, and value every detail that surrounds us.

Immersing ourselves in nature creates a sense of spaciousness within, freeing us from the constraints of our own minds. It helps us let go of materialistic desires and the need for superiority, allowing us to find peace and love in the simplicity of the natural world.

Whether it's the desert, the sea, or the jungle, nature has a way of washing away our worries and filling us with love, peace, and tranquility. It serves as a powerful healer and teacher, showing us the importance of harmony and connection both within ourselves and with the world around us.

I recently had the opportunity to immerse myself in nature at Mount Merapi, where I learned from a dedicated man who has spent years studying the volcano. His passion and knowledge inspired me to appreciate the beauty and power of nature even more.

So, take some time to step away from the chaos of everyday life, put down your phone, and go for a walk in nature. Allow yourself to be present in the moment and experience the healing power of the natural world. Goodnight everyone.


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