where is my coherent
Uneasy days it is, I had a quite challenging night's sleep, with nightmares and waking up quite a lot during the night, so in the morning I don't feel easy or active as I didn't have my usual hours of deep sleep.
I'm not really sure why that is, but despite the reason, I feel the need for some time out. Life has been a bit chaotic and harsh recently, and the truth about humanity is shocking. A break would be much appreciated.
I've been spacing out a lot in the last few days. The unnecessary violence towards animals is the only thing that paralyzes me and makes my brain struggle to process.
Sometimes people ask me why I don't help people in need instead of animals. Cliche, isn't it? Here's my answer: I help animals because they are voiceless, because they don't have our advantages, and because they can't protect themselves against human cruelty. I help them because they need the help more, and because I love them more, actually - I always have.
In today's world, I find it sometimes challenging to stay positive when so much pain and suffering is happening around. I do my best to stay on the positive side, but I know that change needs time, especially when we are surrounded by those who are blind in their heart and soul.
I'm not a fan of writing about my negative thoughts, but this time I feel I need to. I need you to tell me that it's going to be alright and that we have hope in changing and reversing the damage we've caused in decades. I need you to tell me that you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My brain is trying to vent through nightmares, and they are a sign that I am not resting inside. While working on a case against killing strays in my country, I have this black shadow behind me, whispering in my ears that there is no hope. I want to refuse listening to this voice, but with all the facts out there, it's quite hard to do so.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to quit the fight. That is not an option. I just needed to share the struggle I'm going through. Some may laugh or make a joke about it, and some whose souls are enlightened will understand how challenging this time is.
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