It was a very busy day so I rewarded myself

That day was absolutely jam-packed with plans and tasks to tackle. It all started with a trip to the grocery store because my cat Batates was practically threatening to take me down if I didn't get her some mackerel. So, off I went to do some shopping. However, my uncontrollable desire for more fruits, vegetables, and noodles led me to spend a whopping 3 and a half hours in the store.

Once I finally finished, the housekeepers arrived to clean the house. I provided them with everything they needed and headed downstairs to sort out the shopping bags. It seemed like an eternity, and I was exhausted afterwards. But there was no time to rest just yet. I had to clean the fruits and vegetables, which is something I really don't enjoy doing, I must admit.

After completing that task, I went upstairs to check on the progress of the housekeepers. They were almost done, so I went back downstairs to take the dogs out for a walk. It was quite hot outside, but we still enjoyed our stroll. We took a break in the middle so the dogs could catch their breath and cool down with a drink. We didn't return home until sunset.

Once we got back, I fed the dogs and, to be honest, I was completely exhausted. However, it was the young lady's birthday, and I couldn't just be lazy and not celebrate with her. So, I got dressed up and my brother Khaled was ready too. We hit the road and had a delightful evening filled with love and laughter. We indulged in delicious Asian cuisine at a beautiful restaurant with a cozy atmosphere.

I could have easily chosen to be lazy and stay home, but instead, I decided to put in a little extra effort and drive to the agreed meeting place. I put on a nice dress and felt like a true lady. And you know what? It was worth it. I created priceless memories and spent quality time with the people I love.

I treated myself well and didn't let tiredness get in the way of having a good time. And you should do the same, because each passing day is a day gone by, and we only have a limited number of days. Live each day to the fullest and with purpose. Break those taboos that dictate how many hours you should rest or sleep. Instead, listen to your heart and let it guide you.

Goodnight everyone.


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