Offer what you can

It's a give and take, not only take and not only give. It’s yin and yang. Some of us are givers and some are takers, and both energies can be out of balance.

The idea of giving and not taking often comes from a root problem related to self-worth. Some people might feel they are not worthy of taking, or they may seek attention through giving. This behavior is often labeled as being a "people pleaser."

On the other hand, taking without giving stems from insecurity and a desire to feel safe by hoarding resources. While this can happen on a small scale, it can also relate to larger issues, such as narcissism, but I won’t delve into that as I am not a psychiatrist.

One important lesson life has taught me is to say yes when someone offers help or something I need. To be able to give more, you must also be willing to receive.

If you find yourself rejecting help or support, I encourage you to take a moment to observe and understand why. Identify the root cause of your reluctance to accept help. This advice applies to those who take excessively as well.

There is beauty in both giving and receiving because it connects us, making us feel less alone. This connection provides the security and trust we need in life, knowing that if we fall, someone will be there to catch us.

Life can be far more beautiful when we share it together, when we listen to each other, support each other, and celebrate each other's successes and achievements. If we treat people in our lives as if they are our extended family, there will be no hard feelings or grudges. We can achieve this by taking one step towards both giving and receiving.

Goodnight, everyone.


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