Shaimaa in the Kitchen
Guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I am discovering how integrating good eating habits and practicing Qigong can significantly impact one’s health. As I mentioned, I have a case study that I am working on, documenting each step.
Starting with a blood test to assess organ functions, hormone levels, and any deficiencies, I began exploring the necessary supplements my case needs. Since he has chronic hives, we are focusing on addressing blood deficiencies. I am incorporating more foods and supplements that support blood Qi and recording the changes.
Food has a profound effect on our bodies and mental state because it’s the fuel we use to keep this vehicle up and running in good shape. Alternatively, if we consume poor-quality fuel, we suffer from numerous diseases. Western medicine often encourages people to take the short, easy road—using medicines for every symptom that appears—until the body is exhausted, and the liver and kidneys can’t handle anymore, causing the body to surrender.
If you don’t dedicate time to your health, what would you dedicate time for?
I will soon share with you some warming and cooling foods according to traditional Chinese medicine. I’ll provide some food ideas that are quick to prepare but nourish both the body and the mind.
Now, it’s time to walk the dogs. Have a nice evening.
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