One step forward... Maybe!


It’s been a busy and challenging month, but also a fruitful and productive one. As I continue pursuing animal protection, I’ve seen progress. We’ve started a new chapter, and despite my initial distrust of the second party, I’ve chosen to believe that trust and kindness might change the current reality.

I found myself in a difficult position, sitting down to talk with someone who has been poisoning animals for a long time—not only strays, but also my dogs. It’s hard to comprehend how people can put their conscience aside and let their barbaric nature take over.

These are people who have witnessed, with their own eyes, the suffering caused by the poison they use against animals. They’ve watched their own friends die in the most horrific ways, yet they haven’t learned from it. Instead, they continue preparing meals for the hungry animals, knowing that this would be their last.

I’ve seen much in the past month—both in others and within myself. Despite everything, I’ve set my feelings aside and chosen to believe that people can change. Still, it pains me deeply to forgive and move on. I cry every time I think of the animals I’ve lost to this senseless cruelty.

One lesson I’ve learned in the last few days is that we cannot change everyone. We cannot save them all. Some people will remain unchanged, especially those without an awakened conscience. Their hearts are blind, and their souls are dark.

I’ve decided to stop burdening myself with the hope that everything will be good. Good and bad both exist, and I will support the good and do what I can, but the outcome is not in my hands—how I feel is.

This month has been tough. It kept me away from my writing. I had so many things I wanted to talk about, but I chose to work on my issues quietly, not pushing my limits, which were already tested by the ignorance I faced every step of the way.

Yesterday, we managed to vaccinate the street dogs in our area, initiating what I hope will be a positive new beginning. We showcased how innocent and misunderstood these animals are and how disrespected they’ve been.

I may write more about September 2024 later, but for now, I’m saying goodbye to this month. It has been a great teacher, and I look forward to an awesome October.

Have a great day, everyone.


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