October & the water element


I wish transformation and positive shifts for us all as we step into this new month. Change is inevitable, and I believe that with October, transformation will occur—either by choice or by force.

I feel a powerful energy of change, and this month, water seems to be the dominant element. Today at the beach, I watched as the waves washed away the waste left behind on the shore, and I realized how water, one of nature's elements, heals simply by flowing over us.

Take, for instance, when we go through a breakup. Many of us instinctively seek comfort in long showers or soak in a bath, allowing the water to cleanse not only our bodies but also our minds and emotions. Water has always symbolized purity, healing, and renewal across cultures, religions, and rituals.

With this realization, I’ve made it a point to connect more deeply with water this month. It feels right.

Today was a busy day, filled with small but meaningful steps towards self-love and valuing my time and effort. I’m proud of myself for no longer letting emotions or bitterness fester inside. This shift reflects the growth I’ve experienced; I am no longer a people pleaser. So, here's some self-encouragement: You’re doing it, girl!

October has begun with me expressing things that have been bothering me for some time. I’ve decided not to keep things bottled up anymore. There's a lightness in letting go of old habits of self-drainage and silence. I’m embracing the chance to express my concerns without blame or shame—because, after all, we are responsible for our own feelings, no one else.

Happy October, everyone. I can hardly believe we’re in the last quarter of 2024. Let’s make it count.


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