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If you are capable enough to bring them to the world

Habibty Farah   People argue because they’re determined to prove they’re right, but I don’t. Why? Because I simply don’t care whether someone thinks they’re right or wrong. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in the end, we all pay our own price for the paths we choose. I despise arguments. I see children suffering because of their parents' ignorance. These parents brought children into the world without the necessary knowledge or awareness of the immense responsibility it entails. Raising a conscious human being is a lifetime project that requires careful planning and hard work. Yet, many marry and have children not out of deep commitment, but to fulfill societal expectations or satisfy their families. Do they even know what they’re doing? Do they understand the enormity of the task? I doubt it. When I see kids on the street, I wish I could adopt them, much like I do with animals, because their lives with uninformed parents are often miserable. If these children grow up wit

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