
Showing posts from January, 2024

"I am not stable"

I love you

My little corner

Did you see that!

The food & I

From People-Pleaser to Self-Nurturer: The Boundary Shift

Adventures of an Adrenaline Junkie

Letting Go: Finding Peace through Forgiveness

Heart and Mind Aligned: The Blissful Pursuit of Learning

Whimsical Delights: Whiskers, Movies, and Snuggles

Taming the Beast Within: Conquering Fear for a Fuller Life

The Complexity of Love: Joy and Sorrow in One Emotion

The Art of Possibility: Igniting Your Creative Power

The Humility Factor: Fostering Compassion in a World of Achievements

Thrilling Travel Preparations: From Checklists to Cherished Adventures

Shedding Baggage, Embracing Bliss: A Bali Awakening

Me & Ikigai

Thriving in the Unknown: Embracing Life's Uncertainties

Love Without Compromise: Why I Haven't Settled Down

The Unexpected Gardener: A Story of Compassion and Connection

The Tortoise Effect: How Slowing Down Wins the Race

Singular Explorer: A Voyage of Self-Exploration Through Walking

The Art of Boundaries: Crafting a Life of Balance and Self-Care

The Joyful Journey of Morning Cuddles and Evening Reflections hehe

More Than Just Stuff: Exploring the Emotional and Mental Benefits of Decluttering

The dill dipping & Consistency.

A phone call

Be present 🎁

Dinner with a friend

Reality check
